
一、tcprstat 安装


mv tcprstat-static.v0.3.1.x86_64 tcprstat
chmod +x tcprstat 

二、tcprstat 使用


# ./tcprstat  --help
tcprstat 0.3.1, libpcap version 1.1.1.
Usage: tcprstat [--port <port>] [--format=<format>] [--interval=<sec>]
             [--header[=<header>] | --no-header] [--iterations=<it>]
       tcprstat --version | --help

    --read <file>, -r    Capture from pcap file <file>, not live.
    --local <addresses>, -l
                         <addresses> is a comma-separated list of ip
                         addresses, which are used as the local list of
                         addresses instead of pcap getting the list.
                         This is useful when working with a pcap file got
                         from another host with different addresses.
    --port <port>, -p    Capture traffic only for tcp/<port>.
    --format <format>, -f
                         Output format. Argument is a string detailing
                         how the information is presented. Accepted codes:
                             %n - Response time count
                             %a - Response time media in microseconds
                             %s - Response time sum
                             %x - Response time squares sum
                             %m - Minimum value
                             %M - Maximum value
                             %h - Median value
                             %S - Standard deviation
                             %v - Variance (square stddev)
                             %I - Iteration number
                             %t - Timestamp since iteration zero
                             %T - Unix timestamp
                             %% - A literal %
                         Default is:
                         Statistics may contain a percentile between
                         the percentage sign and the code: %99n, %95a.
    --header[=<header>], --no-header
                         Whether to output a header. If not supplied, a
                         header is created out of the format. By default,
                         the header is shown.
    --interval <seconds>, -t
                         Output interval. Default is 10.
    --iterations <n>, -n
                         Output iterations. Default is 1, 0 is infinity

    --help               Shows program information and usage.
    --version            Shows version information.


命令行参数    简短形式   类型      描述                    默认值
--format    -f        字符串     输出格式化字符串  ”%T\t%n\t%M\t%m\t%a\t%h\t%S\t%95M\t%95a\t%95S\t%99M\t%99a\t%99S\n” 
--help                          显示帮助信息
--interval  -t        数字      监控多少秒输出一次统计     10
--iterations  -n      数字      共输出几次统计信息         1
--local       -l      字符串    本级ip地址列表
--port        -p      数字      服务端口
--read        -r      字符串    pcap文件路径
--version                      显示版本信息
--no-header           字符串    输出不显示头信息
--header              字符串    指定输出的头信息


1) 抓取 80 端口 间隔1秒 5次
# ./tcprstat -p 80 -t 1 -n 5
timestamp    count    max    min    avg    med    stddev    95_max    95_avg    95_std    99_max    99_avg    99_std
1550821771    1    21750    21750    21750    21750    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
1550821772    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
1550821773    2    22666    18295    20480    22666    2190    18295    18295    0    18295    18295    0
1550821774    1    21579    21579    21579    21579    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
1550821775    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0

timestamp    时间戳
count         次数
max           最大响应时间(微秒)
min           最小响应时间(微秒)
avg           平均响应时间(微秒)
med        中值
stddev        标准差
95_max        95峰值最大响应时间
95_avg        95峰值平均响应时间
95_std        95峰值标准差
99_max        99峰值最大响应时间
99_avg        99峰值平均响应时间
99_std        99峰值标准差

2) 分析pacp<tcpdump文件>
# tcpdump -i eth0 -nn port 80 -w ./tcpdump.log
tcpdump: listening on eth0, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet), capture size 65535 bytes

# ./tcprstat  -t 2 -n 5 -r ./tcpdump.log 
timestamp    count    max    min    avg    med    stddev    95_max    95_avg    95_std    99_max    99_avg    99_std
1550822415    22    687    36    93    53    132    120    62    26    126    65    29

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